Stream assessment test

Start the 4 dimensional assessment and also discover your best fit stream matches

Welcome to the Stream Selection Assessment! This assessment aims to help you discover and understand your academic strengths and interests. Follow the instructions below to get started:
  1. Read Carefully: Take your time to read each question and answer options thoroughly.
  2. Be Honest: Answer each question honestly and based on your true preferences. There are no right or wrong answers.
  3. Select the Most Appropriate Option: Choose the option that best reflects your thoughts and feelings.
  4. Stay Relaxed: This assessment is designed to understand your preferences, so there's no need to feel stressed. Relax, and enjoy the process!
  5. No External Assistance: Please complete the assessment independently, without seeking assistance from others. This ensures accurate results.
  6. Submit Your Answers: Once you've completed the assessment, submit your answers as instructed.
This test is expected to take approximately~ 42 minutes to complete. Plan accordingly.
Remember, this assessment is a tool to guide you in making informed decisions about your academic path. Enjoy the journey of self-discovery!