Why choose Acadify

At Acadify, we believe that every child should live up to their true potential, and the first step toward that journey is understanding that potential. Our commitment goes beyond assessments — we're dedicated to guiding your child towards a future where their dreams flourish and possibilities abound. Choose Acadify for a holistic approach to discovering, shaping, and celebrating your child's individual brilliance.

Designed for India's Bright Minds

Tailoring success for Indian students, Acadify is meticulously crafted to resonate with the unique aspirations of our vibrant nation.

Kid-Friendly Journey to Excellence

Tailoring success for Indian students, Acadify is meticulously crafted to resonate with the unique aspirations of our vibrant nation.

Detailed Reports, Clear Pathways

Tailoring success for Indian students, Acadify is meticulously crafted to resonate with the unique aspirations of our vibrant nation.

What parents & counsellors say

About the test, my daughter took it. A few things I loved about the test: Questions are in a language that kids love and understand - I find this is so important. Most kids I speak to tell me they struggle to sit through a lot of these tests. This test is fun and totally relatable - making tents out of pillows and all. : ) Really like the report in terms of the variety of choices it offers, instead of siloed streams that most tests suggest. Unfortunately we in this country, including parents, and schools go by streams, largely because of how subjects are offered in most schools. This is also due to how subject choices in grade 11 largely determine what we can pursue later in life, most unfairly. But really loved seeing subjects like business studies, home science, and creative writing that are offered. Liked the UG and PG studies options under each. Encourage parents here to try this.

- Parent